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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: ConAgra Foods Packaged Foods, LLC
Parent Company:
ConAgra Brands
Subsidy Source: state
Location: Indiana
City: Frankfort
County: Clinton
Year: 2014
Major Industry of Parent: food products
Specific Industry of Parent: food products
Subsidy Value: $750,000
Program Name: Hoosier Business Investment Tax Credit
Awarding Agency: Indiana Economic Development Corporation
Type of Subsidy: tax credit/rebate
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 76
Source of Data:
(click here)
Notes: Year is year of contract. Amount is contract amount. Jobs figure is number of new jobs expected by the end of the subsidy contract. Investment is actual qualified investment.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.