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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: Walmart
Parent Company:
Subsidy Source: local
Location: Nebraska
City: North Platte
County: Lincoln
Address: W1/2 of 14-13-30, E1/2 of 15-13-30; SW1/4 of 14-13-30 and SE1/4 of 15-13-30
Year: 2008
Major Industry of Parent: retailing
Specific Industry of Parent: retail-discount stores
Subsidy Value: $583,943
Program Name: Local tax increment financing
Awarding Agency: local TIF district
Type of Subsidy: tax increment financing
Source of Data:
(click here)
Notes: Subsidy value is total excess tax used to pay TIF debt in 2008.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.