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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: Neogen Corporation
Parent Company:
Subsidy Source: local
Location: Michigan
City: Lansing
County: Ingham
Address: 703 E Michigan Street
Zip: 48912
Year: 2022
Major Industry of Parent: healthcare services
Specific Industry of Parent: diagnostic kits and veterinary products
Subsidy Value: $3,267,339
Program Name: Brownfield TIF Local Mills
Awarding Agency: Lansing Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
Type of Subsidy: tax increment financing
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 77
Capital Investment: $71,500,000
Source of Data:
(click here)
Notes: Year is fiscal year approved. Subsidy value is local portion of TIF capture; state portion under program Brownfield TIF State Mills. Jobs are jobs committed and investment is total private investment.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.