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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: General Motors LLC
Parent Company:
General Motors
Subsidy Source: multiple
Location: Indiana
City: New Carlisle
County: St. Joseph
Project Description: EV battery manufacturing plant
Year: 2023
Major Industry of Parent: motor vehicles
Specific Industry of Parent: motor vehicles
Subsidy Value: $506,450,000
Subsidy Value in 2023 Dollars: $506,450,000
Program Name: multiple
Awarding Agency: multiple
Type of Subsidy:
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 1,600
Wage Data: $24
Wage Data Type: average hourly wage
Capital Investment: $3,500,000,000
Source of Data: State subsidies: The Indiana Economic Development Corporations transparency portal lists each awards for the company:
(click here). Local subsidies and wages were reported in: Kalea Hall, "GM receives tax incentives to support potential $3.5 billion Indiana battery plant," The Detroit News, May 23, 2023
(click here) see also St. Joseph County Council meeting from May 23, 2023:
(click here)
Notes: In June 2023, GM announced a 30GWh facility that will produce batteries for EVs. The facility, a joint venture with Samsung, will be located at the Indiana Enterprise Center in New Castle. State subsidies: a $135 million performance-based grant, $3 million through the Industrial Development Grant Fund, $32 million through the EDGE program, and $3.45 million through Skills Enhancement Fund. In addition, St. Joseph County approved 10-year 100% tax abatement on real-estate property and 15-year 100% tax abatement on personal property, valued at $333 million over 15 years. On its transparency portal, the Indiana Economic Development Corporations lists 1,920 jobs associated with this project; 1,700 was announced in the media. Overlaps with main data: none.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.