Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2023 | $12,000,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services Customer Resource Center Central, LLC | Indiana | state | 2017 | $4,500,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2020 | $510,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services Customer Resource Center West | Arizona | state | 2016 | $500,000 | | grant |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2021 | $492,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services Customer Resources Center | Arizona | state | 2016 | $452,918 | | training reimbursement |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2019 | $315,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2018 | $315,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2019 | $312,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2020 | $270,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2021 | $258,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2022 | $246,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | North Carolina | local | 2016 | $216,818 | | grant |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2022 | $195,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2017 | $165,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | North Carolina | local | 2015 | $136,633 | | grant |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2020 | $123,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
BFI MEDICAL WASTE IN | New York | local | 2011 | $109,620 | | property tax abatement |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2019 | $87,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services | North Carolina | local | 2015 | $80,185 | | grant |
Republic Services of Lake Oswego | Oregon | state | 2018 | $49,686 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services of Clackamas and Washington Counties | Oregon | state | 2018 | $46,793 | | tax credit/rebate |
Allied Waste Transfer Services of Oregon, LLC | Oregon | state | 2013 | $25,260 | | tax credit/rebate |
Marion Resource Recovery Facility, LLC | Oregon | state | 2010 | $4,442 | | tax credit/rebate |
Marion Recycling Center, Inc | Oregon | state | 2009 | $1,568 | | tax credit/rebate |
Republic Services, Inc. | Arizona | local | 2013 | | $155,130,000 | loan or bond financing |
BELLEVILLE CORPORATION | New Jersey | state | | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate; property tax abatement |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2005 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2005 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2006 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2006 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2005 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Republic Services, Inc (formerly: Allied Waste Industries, Inc) | Arizona | state | 2008 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2007 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2007 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Republic Services, Inc (formerly: Allied Waste Industries, Inc) | Arizona | state | 2008 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Allied Waste Industries, Inc. | Arizona | state | 2006 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2010 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2010 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Republic Services | Arizona | state | 2010 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
BELLEVILLE CORPORATION | New Jersey | state | | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate; property tax abatement |
Allied Waste North America Inc | California | local | 2012 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
Elder Creek Transfer & Recovery Inc | California | local | 2012 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
BFI Waste Systems of North America | California | local | 2012 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
REPUBLIC SERVICES INC | Illinois | local | 2012 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Allied Waste Systems of | Michigan | state | 2009 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Oakland Heights Development, | Michigan | state | 2009 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2019 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2020 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2021 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Allied Waste Systems of Michigan, | Michigan | state | 2010 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Oakland Heights Develop. Lf - | Michigan | state | 2011 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Oakland Heights Development | Michigan | state | 2009 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Oakland Heights Development, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2006 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 1982 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2006 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2007 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc | Michigan | state | 2019 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc. | Michigan | state | 2020 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc. | Michigan | state | 2016 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal Inc. (rockwood Ldf) | Michigan | state | 1996 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2013 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2004 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2005 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2010 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2012 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal, Inc. | Michigan | state | 2015 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Wayne Disposal-canton Inc. | Michigan | state | 1995 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |