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Subsidy Tracker Parent Company Summary
Parent Company Name: Nationwide
Ownership Structure: mutual
Headquartered in: Ohio
Major Industry: financial services
Specific Industry: insurance
Subsidy Summary | Subsidy Value | Number of Awards |
State/Local | $85,855,342 | 37 |
Federal (grants and allocated tax credits) | $0 | 0 |
TOTAL | $85,855,342 | 37 |
Loan / Bailout Summary | Total Face Value | Number of Awards |
State/Local loans, bond financing and venture capital | $0 | 0 |
Federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance (not including repayments) | $0 | 0 |
TOTAL | $0 | 0 |
Time Period for Federal Awards: FY2000 to the present
Notes: Dollar totals do not include awards for which no subsidy value is disclosed.
Links: For a summary of this company's regulatory violations see its Violation Tracker summary page
Top 5 States for state/local awards | Total Subsidy $ | Number of Awards |
Iowa | $56,706,774 | 11 |
North Carolina | $22,188,848 | 13 |
Arizona | $2,759,000 | 2 |
Texas | $2,500,000 | 1 |
Florida | $780,725 | 2 |
All other | $919,995 | 8 |
Individual Subsidy Records:
Click on the company name for more information on each subsidy award.
Company | Location  | Subsidy Source | Year | Subsidy Value | Loan/Bailout Value | Type of Subsidy |
Scottsdale Insurance Company | Arizona | state | 2007 | $259,000 | | training reimbursement |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Arizona | state | 2019 | $2,500,000 | | grant |
Nationwide Insurance | Florida | state | 2011 | $130,725 | | training reimbursement |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Florida | state | 2017 | $650,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Ins. 2001-EZ-01 | Iowa | state | 2000 | $16,825,000 | | enterprise zone |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance 06-EZ-20 | Iowa | state | 2005 | $18,831,239 | | enterprise zone |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | state | 2005 | $7,650,000 | | infrastructure assistance |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | state | 2007 | $6,080,475 | | training reimbursement |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | state | 2017 | $572,977 | | training reimbursement |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | state | 2015 | $3,027,416 | | training reimbursement |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | local | 2022 | $857,523 | | tax increment financing |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | local | 2021 | $857,523 | | tax increment financing |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | local | 2021 | $488,694 | | tax increment financing |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | local | 2020 | $857,523 | | tax increment financing |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Iowa | local | 2020 | $658,404 | | tax increment financing |
Nationwide Ins. Co. of America | North Carolina | state | 2017 | $1,057,309 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Ins. Co. | North Carolina | state | 2017 | $2,832,857 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Co. | North Carolina | state | 2018 | $663,867 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Co. | North Carolina | state | 2020 | $681,411 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2016 | $478,909 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2021 | $482,449 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2019 | $911,360 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2022 | $1,541,604 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Fire Ins. Co. | North Carolina | state | 2018 | $682,631 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Fire Ins. Co. | North Carolina | state | 2017 | $4,744,636 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Fire Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2016 | $1,115,841 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co. | North Carolina | state | 2017 | $5,677,283 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Life Insurance Company | North Carolina | state | 2023 | $1,318,691 | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Ohio | state | 2009 | undisclosed | | enterprise zone |
NATIONWIDE MUTUAL | Ohio | state | 2011 | $140,000 | | grant |
NATIONWIDE MUTUAL | Ohio | state | 2008 | $97,008 | | grant |
NATIONWIDE MUTUAL | Ohio | state | 2010 | $25,000 | | grant |
NATIONWIDE MUTUAL | Ohio | state | 2011 | $75,000 | | grant |
NATIONWIDE MUTUAL | Ohio | state | 2010 | $2,992 | | grant |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Ohio | state | 2008 | $214,995 | | tax credit/rebate |
Victoria Fire & Casualty Insurance Company | Ohio | state | 2005 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Ohio | local | 2014 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Harleysville Mutual Insurance Company | Pennsylvania | state | 2010 | $355,000 | | grant |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance | Texas | state | 2009 | $2,500,000 | | grant |
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company | Texas | local | 2011 | undisclosed | | property tax abatement |
Nationwide Insurance | Virginia | local | 1996 | $10,000 | | grant |