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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: AbC.R.O., Inc.
Parent Company:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Subsidy Source: federal
Project Description: Europe Regional: AbC.R.O., Inc.: Clinical research studies
Year: 2003
Major Industry of Parent: miscellaneous manufacturing
Specific Industry of Parent: scientific equipment
Value of Loan, Loan Guarantee or Bailout Assistance: $300,000
Loan Value Notes: Loan amounts do not reflect repayments. See the original source for that information.
Program Name: Investment Financing
Awarding Agency: U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (formerly OPIC)
Type of Subsidy: federal loan or loan guarantee
Source of Data: OPIC annual report:
(click here)
Notes: Description field shows country in which investment is being made, project name (or local partner) and project description.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.