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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: CVS Rx Services, Inc.
Parent Company:
CVS Health
Subsidy Source: state
Location: New York
City: Chemung
Address: 1 CVS Drive
Zip: 11717
Year: 2014
Major Industry of Parent: retailing
Specific Industry of Parent: retail-pharmacies
Subsidy Value: $2,259,379
Program Name: Empire Zones
Awarding Agency: Empire State Development
Type of Subsidy: enterprise zone
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 187
Wage Data: $7,932,421
Capital Investment: $3,019,190
Source of Data: direct from agency, not on web
Notes: Subsidy value is sum of nine different tax breaks allowed by the program. Year is year when data was reported. Jobs are the sum of full-time and full-time-equivalent jobs as of December 31st of that year. The wage figure is the total of wages and benefits paid to employees at the location.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.