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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: Burns & McDonnell
Parent Company:
Burns & McDonnell
Subsidy Source: multiple
Location: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Project Description: design company headquarters expansion
Year: 2014
Major Industry of Parent: construction and engineering
Specific Industry of Parent: construction & engineering
Subsidy Value: $95,200,000
Subsidy Value in 2023 Dollars: $123,018,004
Program Name: multiple
Awarding Agency: multiple
Type of Subsidy:
MEGADEAL (Archived)

Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 2,100
Wage Data: $126,000
Wage Data Type: average annual salary
Capital Investment: $139,000,000
Source of Data: The value of the local subsidies and the investment and jobs figures were taken from Rob Roberts, "Incentives for Burns & McDonnell expansion advance," Kansas City Business Journal, May 14, 2014; available online at
(click here). The value of the state subsidies was taken from Mark Davis, "Burns & McDonnell kicks off the expansion of its headquarters," The Kansas City Star, June 26, 2014; available at:
(click here). See also June 26, 2014 press release from the office of Gov. Jay Nixon, online at
(click here)
Notes: The subsidy package for Burns & McDonnell's headquarters expansion includes local and state incentives. Kansas City provided $41.9 million over 23 years from Tax Increment Financing (including utility tax revenue and half of the earnings tax revenue in the district); $41.8 million over 25 years from Chapter 100 bond financing, equal to a property tax abatement; and $3 million in sales tax exemptions on building materials. The company also was approved for about $8.5 million from the state's Missouri Works program. The job figure represents new jobs; the investment figure is the project's estimated construction cost. Overlap with main Subsidy Tracker data : none
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.