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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: Emergent Biosolutions
Parent Company:
Emergent BioSolutions
Subsidy Source: state
Location: Michigan
City: Lansing
Address: 3500 North Martin Luther King Blvd. Lansing
Zip: 48906
Project Description: Brownfield TIF: Emergent BioSolutions Redevelopment Project ??? the City of Lansing Brownfield Redevelopment Authority will use MEGA school and local tax capture valued at $4,618,370 to expand and upgrade the Emergent BioSolutions campus in the City of Lansing. The project includes construction of a new 33,000 square foot administration building and other campus-wide improvements. The project is expected to generate up to $25 million in new investment and position Emergent, which employs 436 individuals, for substantial new growth with projected additional investment up to $95 million.
Year: 2012
Major Industry of Parent: pharmaceuticals
Specific Industry of Parent: pharmaceuticals
Subsidy Value: $1,796,389
Program Name: Brownfield TIF Local Mills
Awarding Agency: Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Type of Subsidy: tax increment financing
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 436
Source of Data:
(click here)
Notes: Year is fiscal year. Jobs is sum of new and retained positions.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
inventory page for an updated link.