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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: SWEPCO
Parent Company:
American Electric Power
Subsidy Source: multiple
Location: Louisiana
City: Shreveport
County: Caddo
Project Description: natural gas plant
Year: 2010
Major Industry of Parent: utilities and power generation
Specific Industry of Parent: utilities
Subsidy Value: $96,542,770
Subsidy Value in 2023 Dollars: $135,636,856
Program Name: multiple
Awarding Agency: multiple
Type of Subsidy:
MEGADEAL (Archived)
Source of Data: The value of the property tax exemptions and Enterprise Zone tax credits are taken from: Louisiana Commerce & Industry Board Approvals, 2010 (YTD 8/2010), pp. 30 and 150; available online at:
(click here)
Notes: The subsidy package can be tied to the 2010 opening of J. Lamar Stall unit at SWEPCO natural gas plant in Shreveport. The project received property tax exemptions worth estimated $92,588,770 over 10 years, Enterprise Zone investment tax credits worth an estimated $3,929,000 over 5 years, and Enterprise Zone job tax credits worth $25,000. The main Subsidy Tracker data lists the awards in the 2010 entries for Industrial Tax Exemption and Enterprise Zone programs (for EZ, the amount listed is $3,954,000), both under Southwestern Electric Power Company dba SWEPCO.
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
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