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MegadealsSubsidy Tracker Individual Entry
Company: Gardner Denver Thomas, Inc.
Parent Company:
Ingersoll Rand
Subsidy Source: state
Location: Louisiana
City: Monroe
County: Ouachita
Address: 4601 Central Avenue
Zip: 71203
NAICS Industry Code: 333912
Project Description: Our sister plant in Sheboygan WI is closing and production is being transfered to the Monroe LA plant. Currently the Monroe plant employs about 75 people and the Sheboygan plant about 400. Some of the management jobs will stay in WI but about 250 manufacturing jobs will be created in Monroe over the next 12 months. Expenditures for the building expansion and move are being funded by local and state funds thanks to the efforts of Governor Jindal and Mayor Mayo. Preliminary plans are to expand the Monroe plant by +-180000 square feet to accomodate the new assembly lines, offices, and alunminum die cast foundry. The expected completion date for the transfer of production is March 31, 2010.
Year: 2009
Major Industry of Parent: industrial equipment
Specific Industry of Parent: industrial equipment
Subsidy Value: $7,181,275
Program Name: Quality Jobs Program
Awarding Agency: Commerce & Industry Board
Type of Subsidy: tax credit/rebate
Number of Jobs or Training Slots: 301
Wage Data: $119687921
Wage Data Type: payroll
Source of Data:
(click here)
Notes: subsidy value is amount awarded; jobs, wages and investment amounts are projected
Source Notes: If an online information source is not working, check the Tracker
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