Diamond V Mills, Incorporated | Iowa | state | 2009 | $435,000 | | grant/loan hybrid program |
Cargill, Inc. -- Corn Milling 2002-EZ-18 | Iowa | state | 2002 | $3,250,000 | | enterprise zone |
Cargill Meat Solutions 2002-EZ-02 | Iowa | state | 2002 | $280,625 | | enterprise zone |
Cargill, Inc. 05-EZ-33 | Iowa | state | 2005 | $2,960,000 | | enterprise zone |
Cargill, Incorporated | Iowa | state | 2006 | $4,194,950 | | tax credit/rebate |
Diamond V Mills, Inc. | Iowa | state | 2008 | $680,700 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Inc.; Grain and Oilseed Supply Chain - N.A. | Iowa | state | 2005 | $400,000 | | grant/loan hybrid program |
Diamond V Mills, Inc. | Iowa | state | 2008 | $250,000 | | grant/loan hybrid program |
Cargill Incorporated | Louisiana | state | 2008 | $140,219 | | property tax abatement |
CARGILL, INC. | Missouri | state | 2008 | $41,698 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL, INC. | Missouri | state | 2009 | $500,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL, INC. | Missouri | state | 2010 | $500,000 | | enterprise zone |
Cargill | North Dakota | state | 1996 | | $500,000 | loan or bond financing |
Cargill | North Dakota | state | 1996 | | $100,000 | loan or bond financing |
Cargill, Inc. | Nebraska | state | 1993 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Nebraska | state | 1994 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Carneco Foods, LLC | Nebraska | state | 1995 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Nebraska | state | 2000 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | Nebraska | state | 2007 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Inc. | New York | state | 2007 | $56,457 | | enterprise zone |
Excel Corporation | Pennsylvania | state | | $750,000 | | grant |
CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORP | Arkansas | state | 2010 | $947,729 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Texas | state | 2011 | undisclosed | | training reimbursement |
Cargill Salt | Utah | state | 2011 | $1,970 | | training reimbursement |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corp. | Iowa | state | 2006 | $478,442 | | training reimbursement |
Cargill | Iowa | state | 2006 | $101,587 | | training reimbursement |
Diamond V Mills, Inc. | Iowa | state | 2011 | $37,500 | | training reimbursement |
Cargill, Inc. | Tennessee | state | 2012 | $150,000 | | grant |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Iowa | state | 2012 | $562,600 | | enterprise zone |
Cargill Incorporated | Iowa | state | 2012 | $2,000,000 | | grant |
Diamond V Mills Inc. & DV Technologies Inc. | Iowa | state | 2012 | $75,000 | | grant |
Cargill Incorporated | Iowa | state | 2012 | $603,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Diamond V Mills Inc. & DV Technologies Inc. | Iowa | state | 2012 | $935,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | Louisiana | state | 2011 | $107,384 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill Incorporated | Louisiana | state | 2011 | $107,871 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill, Inc. | Louisiana | state | 2011 | $173,158 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill, Inc. | Tennessee | state | 2012 | $3,000,000 | | grant |
CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORPORATION, DBA BEEF PACKERS, INC. | California | state | 2012 | undisclosed | | training reimbursement |
Cargill Incorporated | Louisiana | state | 2012 | $76,560 | | property tax abatement |
CARGILL INCORPORATED | Washington | state | 2011 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INTEGRATED BAKERY RESOURCES | Washington | state | 2006 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INTEGRATED BAKERY RESOURCES | Washington | state | 2007 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INTEGRATED BAKERY RESOURCES | Washington | state | 2008 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INCORPORATED | Washington | state | 2010 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL FLAVOR SYSTEMS US LLC | Ohio | state | 2010 | $21,738 | | grant |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2012 | $258,414 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | | $487,550 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Incorporated | Ohio | state | 1997 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL CASE READY | Missouri | state | 2013 | $50,974 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Inc | Louisiana | state | 2013 | $102,775 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill, Inc. | Louisiana | state | 2013 | $49,054 | | property tax abatement |
CARGILL INCORPORATED | Washington | state | 2012 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INCORPORATED | Washington | state | 2013 | $53,022 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Ag Horizons | Kansas | state | 2012 | $121,427 | | grant |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2013 | $147,920 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Iowa | state | 2011 | $562,600 | | enterprise zone |
Diamond V Mills Inc. & DV Technologies Inc. | Iowa | state | 2011 | $1,010,000 | | grant |
Cargill Incorporated | Iowa | state | 2011 | $3,152,408 | | tax credit/rebate |
Diamond V Mills Inc. & DV Technologies Inc. | Iowa | state | 2014 | $1,800,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2014 | $190,173 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Inc. | North Dakota | state | 2012 | | $2,000,000 | loan or bond financing |
CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORPORATION DBA BEEF PACKERS, INC. | California | state | 2014 | $555,917 | | training reimbursement |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2015 | $262,500 | | grant/loan hybrid program |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2015 | $1,702,000 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2015 | $1,003,000 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2015 | $1,373,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2014 | $554,000 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2014 | $935,000 | | property tax abatement |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2014 | $437,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2014 | $117,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Michigan | state | 2014 | $405,233 | | infrastructure assistance |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2015 | $93,704 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2015 | $42,160 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2014 | $9,984 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2016 | $17,883 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2016 | $117,103 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Incorporated | North Carolina | state | 2015 | $162,173 | | tax credit/rebate |
CARGILL INCORPORATED | Washington | state | 2016 | undisclosed | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Incorporated | Michigan | state | 2016 | $1,292,165 | | tax increment financing |
Diamond V Mills Inc. & DV Technologies Inc. | Iowa | state | 2016 | $42,950,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation/Yuma | Colorado | state | 2017 | $11,677 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2016 | $20,919 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2016 | $193,715 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation/Ft Morgan, CO | Colorado | state | 2017 | $238,960 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill AgHorizons | Arkansas | state | | $828,323 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation/Fort Morgan, CO | Colorado | state | 2019 | $274,336 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2018 | $160,997 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation | Colorado | state | 2018 | $6,575 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Inc. | Kansas | state | 2018 | undisclosed | | grant |
Cargill, Inc. | Kansas | state | 2018 | undisclosed | | grant |
Cargill, Incorporated | Kansas | state | 2016 | undisclosed | | grant |
Cargill, Incorporated | Kansas | state | 2017 | undisclosed | | grant |
CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORP (EXCEL) | Missouri | state | 2019 | $75,000 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill, Inc. & Subsidiaries | Nebraska | state | 2018 | $5,669,044 | | tax credit/rebate |
Cargill Kitchen Solutions | Iowa | State | 2017 | $436,451 | | Tax credit |
Cargill, Inc. and Subsidiaries | Iowa | state | 2020 | $1,686,954 | | tax credit |
Cargill Inc & Subsidiaries | Iowa | state | 2018 | $1,544,601 | | tax credit |
Cargill, Inc. and Subsidiaries | Iowa | state | 2019 | $1,099,093 | | tax credit |
Cargill | Kansas | state | 2019 | $100,000 | | grant |
Cargill, Inc. | Kansas | state | 2019 | undisclosed | | grant |
Cargill, Inc. | Kansas | state | 2019 | undisclosed | | grant |